Technology Policy
At JC Wright Middle School we believe all of our scholars will be successful and exemplify our school mission and philosophy. In order to be prepared and focused on learning, JC Wright scholars will adhere to our Technology Policy. JC Wright Middle School Staff are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
By enrolling your scholar at JC Wright Middle School, you are providing your child an excellent educational opportunity. In addition, you have incurred the responsibility as a parent to ensure that your scholar is following our technology policy daily. Should your scholar have their technology devices taken away, families will be contacted and will have to pick it up. By signing this form you acknowledge and respect the full compliance of our technology policy.
Permissible Items
Small headphones or non-wireless earbuds that plug into their Chromebooks. Bring these items to every class, every day. Store these items in a zippered pencil pouch.
Impermissible Items
Smart watches will be kept in scholars’ lockers during the school day (including recess).
Cell phones will be kept in scholars’ lockers during the day (including recess).
BlueTooth/Wireless Earbuds MUST be kept in scholars’ lockers during the day (including recess).